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Shuko-Charlotte Rose, Melena Schönhofer and Geoff Gustitus, hosts of the Bosch podcast From know-how to wow.

In this podcast, you'll learn how Bosch turns research and development into real WOW moments. Once a month, we illuminate a technology topic from different perspectives. Our hosts Shuko, Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is made for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy bits of KNOW-HOW and WOWs in our deep dive shortcast, where we delve into a certain aspect of the respective topic. It’s an inspiring tech snack hosted by an avatar of Geoff's voice that is trained by an AI machine learning system.

Optical gas spectrometer

Take a deep breath. What you just breathed in was probably about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen and some minor other components. But how do you measure that? Measuring gasses and their concentrations has been pretty difficult, says Bosch physicist Alex Stratmann. His team’s invention, the optical gas spectrometer, OGS, is set to change that. It packs what used to be a complex lab setup into a tabletop device. OGS leverages Raman spectroscopy, a method that exists for about a 100 years and has been used e.g. in the art world to analyze pigments. Our hosts Melena and Shuko learn from Cristina Aibéo, a chemist at Berlin’s National Museums, how Raman spectroscopy can help solve crimes and also save energy. At Bosch, on the other hand, the OGS helps with measuring hydrogen — and thus with the transition to a green hydrogen economy. Breathe in, breathe out, hit play!

Hosts Melena, Shuko and Geoff can be seen — with headphones on their ears - next to the logo of the podcast show "From KNOW-HOW to WOW."

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